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SCO - Shine Computer Olympiad Exam - 2024-2025

SCO - Shine Computer Olympiad

Shine Computer Olympiad (SCO) is designed by Graposs Connect for Shine Olympiad. SCO is designed for grades 3rd to 10th to test the fundamentals of computer applications, programming, internet and information technology.

The Olympiad tests are grade agnostic and also include basics of coding as mandated by NEP.

SCO aims to encourage among the students, fundamental understanding of concepts, principles, and application of IT & Computers.

Available for classes 6th to 10th.
Available in Indian Languages: Click Here

Shine Olympiad Registration 2024-25

Get ready for Shine National Olympiad with Practice tests and Progress reports.

Syllabus & Marking scheme



Basic Computer; microcomputers, mini computers mainframes, supercomputer, mobile, game consoles, embedded computer(Interpreter, Compiler) ; Fundamentals of Computers; Operating System, Application, Types of printers, CPU’s Functions, CPU’s clock, RAM, ROM, device driver; MS Powerpoint 2010; Different views in a presentation, Working with different views, Apply animation effects, Add transitions to slides, Use of a media clip and action buttons; History and Generation of Computer; Vacuum Tubes, Punch cards, Generations of Computers, Microprocessor; Windows 7; MS-Word 2010; Introduction to Qbasic; Character set in QBASIC, shortcut keystroke, QBASIC operators, variables in QBasic, QBasic coding, Internet and Email; E-mail, Netiquette, Google Drive, Online modes of payment, Blogging and Podcasting; Trends in IT; Google Now, Vita, Google Hangouts, Gesture Recognition, multi-touch, Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox.

Marking scheme
Section Number of Questions
Basic Computer 45
Achiever’s Section 5
  • The Olympiad exam will have a total of 50 questions as per the table above.
  • 1 Mark shall be given for every correct answer.
  • There shall be no Negative marking.
  • Students shall be given 60 minutes to complete the test.
  • Percentile Ranks shall be given to all students.
  • Toppers shall be decided from the top percentile ranks on the basis of raw scores and time taken by the student to complete the exam.

Sample Questions

Q.1 Which of the following is a type of non-impact printer?
  • a. Laser Printer
  • b. Line Printer
  • c. Dot-Matrix Printer
  • d. Daisy-Wheel Printer
Q.2 Which of the following is a better quality dot matrix printer?
  • a. No pin
  • b. 9 pin
  • c. 16 pin
  • d. 24 pin
Q.3 Punch cards were used for _________.
  • a. Computer networking
  • b. Data analysis
  • c. Satellite communication
  • d. Radio transmission
Q.4 Which of the following computers did not use Vacuum tubes technology?
  • a. EDSAC
  • b. ENIAC
  • c. EKA
  • d. UNIVAC 1
Q.5 Identify the following.
- It is a piece of software.
- It enhances another software application.
- It usually cannot be run independently.
- It sometimes modifies the interface.
- It can also modify the behaviour of web browsers.
  • a. App
  • b. Plug-in
  • c. Bot
  • d. All of these
Q.6 Identify the following.
- It is a website in which articles are posted.
- These articles are posted on a regular basis.
- These articles are usually displayed in reverse chronological (latest first) order.
  • a. Web Forum
  • b. Blog
  • c. Bulletin Board
  • d. News Board



Basic Computer; external and internal hardware; CPU, Disk drives, Power supply, Motherboard, Ports, Modem, peripheral devices, keyboard, mouse, pen drive, scanner, printer; Fundamentals of Computers; Hard drive functions, optical disc, USB flash drives, Cache memory, Control Unit, SSD Evolution of Computers; Mathematics; Introduction to Number system, Digits and bases of different number systems, Represent value in different number systems, Conversions from decimal to binary and vice versa; Windows 7; Start menu, Control Panel in Windows 7, Task bar, Library; MS-Word 2010; MS Word commands, Shortkeys in MS-Word 2010, Data source, mail-merge, inserting hyperlink in MS-Word MS-PowerPoint 2010; Different views in a presentation,Working with different views, Apply animation effects, Add transitions to slides, Use of a media clip and action buttons; MS-Excel 2010; Method to enter formulae, Naming, renaming and deleting a sheet from sheet tab, Meaning of Functions, Rules to enter a function like Sum, Average, Max, Min, count, etc. Programming in QBasic; loop in Qbasic, QBASIC code, QBASIC statement with variables and non-variables, Logical operators, Relational operators, Arithmetic operators, Bitwise operators Internet and Virus; Advantages and disadvantages of using internet, Definition and example of computer virus, Types of Virus, Harm caused by virus, Antivirus – definition and examples; Trends in IT; smart TV platforms, Indoor positioning system, Healthcare monitoring system, Google Now, Google Goggles, Smart Watch.

Marking scheme
Section Number of Questions
Basic Computer 45
Achiever’s Section 5
  • The Olympiad exam will have a total of 50 questions as per the table above.
  • 1 Mark shall be given for every correct answer.
  • There shall be no Negative marking.
  • Students shall be given 60 minutes to complete the test.
  • Percentile Ranks shall be given to all students.
  • Toppers shall be decided from the top percentile ranks on the basis of raw scores and time taken by the student to complete the exam.

Sample Questions

Q.1 The technologies commonly used in PCs and the Apple Macintosh are based on different:
  • a. platforms
  • b. applications
  • c. frames
  • d. storage devices
Q.2 You can choose settings for features like dictionary, proofing and language when you:
  • a. click on the Tools Tab, click Options.
  • b. click on the File Tab, click Options.
  • c. right-click anywhere on the ribbon and choose Options.
  • d. click on the View tab, click Properties.
Q.3. Which of following is not a feature of second generation computers?
  • a. Transistors were used
  • b. Core memory was developed
  • c. Programming in mechanical language
  • d. Easier to program than first generation computer
Q.4 The maximum size that you can specify for a font is ________ points.
  • a. 72
  • b. 1638
  • c. 16038
  • d. 68
Q.5 A GOTO statement:
  • a. instructs the computer to go to a specific statement associated with a label.
  • b. can be used to skip some statements.
  • c. can be used to repeat some statements.
  • d. all of these
Q.6 Which of the following is not a valid step value for a loop in Qbasic?
  • a. 1
  • b. -4
  • c. 0.07
  • d. None of these



Basic Computer; History of Computers, Introduction, need, functions, features and types of Operating System, user interface Types. Briefing on Information Technology; Microcomputers, Analog and digital input signals, binary number system, CASE tools, System Software, Medium Scale Integration, Short cut keys. Managing Windows 10; Windows 10 installation, Accessibility Options, Windows Explorer, Temporary files; Computer Memory System; ROM, RAM, hard disk, primary storage devices, Binary object file; Microsoft Office Word 2013; Short keys in MS-Word, writing and Formatting Text, spell check in MS-Word 2013, Page Margin. Microsoft Office Excel 2013; Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013; Slide Pane, insert a new slide, Layout in slides, Outline Pane, Custom animation, short cut keys in Powerpoint, Transitions; Networking and E-mailing; Network topology, Network protocols, Browsers, Composing and Sending Mail, e-mails Protocols, spam e-mails, Netiquette, social media Platforms; Introduction to Data Representation; Meaning of Database and DBMS, Uses of database, Create and Save a database, Primary Key, Querying a Database About HTML; HTML Tags, Creating lists, Insert Images in web pages, Inserting links, Creating forms.

Marking scheme
Section Number of Questions
Basic Computer 45
Achiever’s Section 5
  • The Olympiad exam will have a total of 50 questions as per the table above.
  • 1 Mark shall be given for every correct answer.
  • There shall be no Negative marking.
  • Students shall be given 60 minutes to complete the test.
  • Percentile Ranks shall be given to all students.
  • Toppers shall be decided from the top percentile ranks on the basis of raw scores and time taken by the student to complete the exam.

Sample Questions

Q.1 Semiconductor memories are electronic data storage. They are made up of:
  • a. Copper
  • b. Iron
  • c. Silicon
  • d. Plastic
Q.2 Which one of the following types of memory has the feature to store data in flip-flops?
  • a. Static
  • b. Dynamic Ram
  • c. Pen drive
  • d. All of these
Q.3 Jack wants to install Windows 10 on his computer. When he starts the installation, system shows an error regarding RAM. How much minimum RAM Jack needs to arrange in his computer?
  • a. 700 MB
  • b. 1 GB
  • c. 2 GB
  • d. 256 MB
Q.4 Thompson opens the control panel to configure Microsoft Outlook in his computer. But he is little bit confused to select right component. Which one of the following components he should select to configure Microsoft Outlook?
  • a. Internet options
  • b. Mail
  • c. Network Connections
  • d. User Account
Q.5 Which of the following statements is true about microcomputer?
  • a. Microcomputer is faster than minicomputers.
  • b. Microcomputer is a computer whose CPU (Central Processing Unit) is a microprocessor.
  • c. Microcomputer can be categorized as desktop, workstation and programmable.
  • d. (B) and (C) are true
Q.6 Which one of the following type of computer is used for measurement of analog and digital input signals?
  • a. Digital
  • b. Analog
  • c. Hybrid
  • d. All of these



Basic Computer; Machine language, computer classification, Generations in Computers, Integrated Circuits, main memory, Temporary memory, Use of Artificial Language, Scientific language. Operating System; Types of Operating System, Real-time Operating System, versions of MS office, User interface. Introduction to Logic gates and Number System; Logic gates introduction, Types of Logic gates, Boolean algebra, logical operations, Output of Logic gates; Briefing on Internet and Networking; Type of networks: PAN, LAN, MAN, WAN, wired/wireless communication, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cloud computers (private/public), Network protocols; Introduction to MS-Access 2013; Microsoft Access introduction, Microsoft Access Database objects, Database table, Creating a table in MS-Access, Commands in MS-Access; Introduction to CSS; Introduction to CSS, Cascading Style Sheets properties, insert a comment in a CSS file, HTML tags for CSS; Working with HTML; HTML elements, Changing font size in HTML, Putting elements in web page, Links generation in HTML

Marking scheme
Section Number of Questions
Basic Computer 45
Achiever’s Section 5
  • The Olympiad exam will have a total of 50 questions as per the table above.
  • 1 Mark shall be given for every correct answer.
  • There shall be no Negative marking.
  • Students shall be given 60 minutes to complete the test.
  • Percentile Ranks shall be given to all students.
  • Toppers shall be decided from the top percentile ranks on the basis of raw scores and time taken by the student to complete the exam.

Sample Questions

Q.1 The basic architecture of computer was developed by whom:
  • a. John Von Neumann
  • b. Charles Babbage
  • c. Blaise Pascal
  • d. Garden Moore
Q.2 Which of the following technology was used in first generation computers?
  • a. Vacuum Tubes
  • b. Integrated Circuits
  • c. Transistors
  • d. Microprocessors
Q.3 The number of processes completed per unit time is known as:
  • a. Output
  • b. Throughput
  • c. Efficiency
  • d. Capacity
Q.4 A computer system that permits multiple users to run programs at same time is called:
  • a. Real time system
  • b. Multi tasking system
  • c. Time Sharing
  • d. Multi processing
Q.5 Complement of function F is:
  • a. 1
  • b. F’
  • c. F
  • d. 0
Q.6 Boolean algebra is also called:
  • a. switching algebra
  • b. arithmetic algebra
  • c. linear algebra
  • d. algebra



Basic Computer Operating Systems; characteristics of a computer, components of a computer system – CPU, memory, storage devices and I/O devices, Operating systems, Device drivers, Application softwares, Cyber Ethics/Security; Netiquettes,Software licenses,Intellectual property rights, plagiarism and digital property rights, E-commerce: Privacy, fraud, secure data transmission. Working with MS Access 2013; Microsoft Access Database objects, Database table, Creating a table in MS-Access, Commands in MS-Access; Scratch; Coordinates and conditionals, Create games, animated images, stories and songs, Update variables, Ask and answer blocks. Working with HTML; Introduction to web page designing using HTML, HTML tags, Font tags, Links, Embed audio and video in a HTML page, Cascading style sheets; Python; Python basics,Conditionals (if, if-else statements), Loops, Practice simple programs Working with CSS; Cascading Style Sheets properties, insert a comment in a CSS file, HTML tags for CSS; Working with Internet; Internet protocols, Services available on the internet, Web services, Application, Networking; About Logic Gates; Types of Logic gates, Boolean algebra, logical operations, Output of Logic gates; MS-Excel 2010; MS-PowerPoint 2010; MS-Word 2010; Database Management System; Database objects, Database table, Creating a table, Database management tools; Latest Development in the field of IT; Google Keep,Guided transmission media, Schedule events and reminders, Social media marketing, Mobile technologies.

Marking scheme
Section Number of Questions
Basic Computer 45
Achiever’s Section 5
  • The Olympiad exam will have a total of 50 questions as per the table above.
  • 1 Mark shall be given for every correct answer.
  • There shall be no Negative marking.
  • Students shall be given 60 minutes to complete the test.
  • Percentile Ranks shall be given to all students.
  • Toppers shall be decided from the top percentile ranks on the basis of raw scores and time taken by the student to complete the exam.

Sample Questions

Q.1 Which of the following is a part of an operating system that acts as the command interpreter, which takes commands from the user, interprets them, and takes action accordingly?
  • a. Kernel
  • b. Command prompt
  • c. Shell
  • d. Disk Drive
Q.2 ________________ operating system runs on the server and provides the capability to manage data, users, groups, security, applications, and other networking functions.
  • a. Batch system
  • b. Single core
  • c. Network
  • d. Multitasking
Q.3 An operating system is a ______________ .
  • a. Collection of application programs
  • b. Collection of hundreds of different types of adware available on a CD
  • c. Set of programs which controls the working of a computer
  • d. Set of programs which converts images into texts.
Q.4 Which of the following is correctly matched?
  • a. Windows - GUI based batch processing system
  • b. DOS - Offers command line interface
  • c. Android - Mobile operating system developed by Apple Inc.
  • d. Catalina OS - Latest operating system for smartwatches
Q.5 Boolean function may be transformed into which of the followings?
  • a. Logical diagram
  • b. Logical graph
  • c. Map
  • d. Matrix
Q.6 The basic logic gate whose output is the complement of the input is the:
  • a. OR gate
  • b. AND gate
  • c. INVERTER gate
  • d. All of these

Indian Language Chart

Language / Grade Class 6 Class 7 Class 8 Class 9 Class 10

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Get ready for Shine National Olympiad with Practice tests and Progress reports.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

To participate in the Shine Computer Olympiad, students from class 3rd to 12th can register with their school on the official website of Shine Olympiads, i.e., shineolympiad.com.

To prepare for the Computer Olympiad, students can refer to study material provided online as well as go through important textbooks and plan out their study timetable. It is also beneficial for Olympiad aspirants to solve previous year papers and attempt as many practice mock tests as possible, to get fully acquainted with the syllabus and pattern of the Computer Olympiad exam.

The Shine Computer Olympiad is designed to streamline knowledge associated with computers and technology at both junior and senior level. This exam would help students to develop their knowledge of computers and be ready for the future.