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SRAO - Shine Reasoning Aptitude Olympiad Exam - 2024-2025

SRAO - Shine Reasoning Aptitude Olympiad

Shine Reasoning Aptitude Olympiad measure and encourages students to logically work through problems and therefore promotes logical ability and problem solving skills. Reasoning aptitude has been historically important to crack not only job related exams but also is a sought after life and career skill.

Shine Reasoning Aptitude Olympiad is designed by Graposs Connect for Shine Olympiads for classes 3rd to 10th to test and promote reasoning skills in students which otherwise core academics often misses on.

Available for classes 6th to 10th.
Available in Indian Languages: Click Here

Shine Olympiad Registration 2024-25

Get ready for Shine National Olympiad with Practice tests and Progress reports.

Syllabus & Marking scheme

Logical Reasoning


Verbal - Reasoning: Series Completion and Inserting, Number Ranking and Alphabet Test, Puzzle Test, Jumbled Words, Similar Pairs, Analogy and Classification, Coding-Decoding, Blood Relations, Direction Sense Test, Logical Venn Diagrams, Alpha-Numeric Sequence, Puzzle, Mathematical Operations/Reasoning; Non - Verbal Reasoning: Series Test, Similar Pairs, Classification, Analytical Reasoning, Mirror and Water Images, Embedded Figures, Figure, Formation, Paper Folding and Paper, Cutting, Cubes and Dice;

Marking scheme
Section Number of Questions
Verbal Reasoning 30
Non-Verbal Reasoning 15
Achiever’s Section 5
  • The Olympiad exam will have a total of 50 questions as per the table above.
  • 1 Mark shall be given for every correct answer.
  • There shall be no Negative marking.
  • Students shall be given 60 minutes to complete the test.
  • Percentile Ranks shall be given to all students.
  • Toppers shall be decided from the top percentile ranks on the basis of raw scores and time taken by the student to complete the exam.

Logical Reasoning


Verbal - Reasoning: Playing with Words, Using Letters for Numbers, Similarity of Pairs, Series Test, Odd One Out, Coding-Decoding, Mathematical Reasoning, Puzzle test, Direction Sense Test, Venn - Diagrams, Blood Relations; Non - Verbal Reasoning: Similar Pairs, Series Test, Odd one Out, Mirror and water images, Cubes and Dices, Counting of Figures;

Marking scheme
Section Number of Questions
Verbal Reasoning 30
Non-Verbal Reasoning 15
Achiever’s Section 5
  • The Olympiad exam will have a total of 50 questions as per the table above.
  • 1 Mark shall be given for every correct answer.
  • There shall be no Negative marking.
  • Students shall be given 60 minutes to complete the test.
  • Percentile Ranks shall be given to all students.
  • Toppers shall be decided from the top percentile ranks on the basis of raw scores and time taken by the student to complete the exam.

Logical Reasoning


Verbal - Reasoning: Similarity of pairs, Series Test, Odd One Out, Simple Letter Coding, Jumbled Words, Logical sequence of Words, Mathematical Reasoning, Puzzle Test, Ranking, Alpha-Numeric, Sequence, Direction Sense Test, Clock and calendar, Mathematical operations Non - Verbal Reasoning: Similarity of pairs, Series Test, Odd One Out, Mirror and water images, Paper Folding and paper, Cutting, Cubes and Dice, Embedded figures, Dot Positions in Figures, Counting of Figures;

Marking scheme
Section Number of Questions
Verbal Reasoning 30
Non-Verbal Reasoning 15
Achiever’s Section 5
  • The Olympiad exam will have a total of 50 questions as per the table above.
  • 1 Mark shall be given for every correct answer.
  • There shall be no Negative marking.
  • Students shall be given 60 minutes to complete the test.
  • Percentile Ranks shall be given to all students.
  • Toppers shall be decided from the top percentile ranks on the basis of raw scores and time taken by the student to complete the exam.

Logical Reasoning


Verbal - Reasoning; Similarity of pairs, Series Test, Odd One Out, Letter Insertion, Logical Word Formation, Mathematical Reasoning, Puzzle Test, Ranking, Direction Sense Test, Clock and calendar, Logical Venn Diagrams, Blood Relations; Non - Verbal Reasoning: Similarity of pairs, Series Test, Odd One Out, Mirror and water images, Cubes and Dices, Paper folding and paper Cutting, Dot Position in Figures, Counting of Figures;

Marking scheme
Section Number of Questions
Verbal Reasoning 30
Non-Verbal Reasoning 15
Achiever’s Section 5
  • The Olympiad exam will have a total of 50 questions as per the table above.
  • 1 Mark shall be given for every correct answer.
  • There shall be no Negative marking.
  • Students shall be given 60 minutes to complete the test.
  • Percentile Ranks shall be given to all students.
  • Toppers shall be decided from the top percentile ranks on the basis of raw scores and time taken by the student to complete the exam.

Logical Reasoning


Verbal - Reasoning: Similarity of Pairs, Series Test, Odd one out, Coding Decoding, Word Completion, Jumbled Words, Puzzle test, Direction Sense Test, Logical Venn Diagrams, Blood Relations; Non - Verbal Reasoning: Series Test, Figure Formation and Figure Analysis, Spotting Out the Embedded Figure, Mirror and Water Images, Paper Folding and Paper Cutting, Cubes and Dice, Counting of Figures, Series Test

Marking scheme
Section Number of Questions
Verbal Reasoning 30
Non-Verbal Reasoning 15
Achiever’s Section 5
  • The Olympiad exam will have a total of 50 questions as per the table above.
  • 1 Mark shall be given for every correct answer.
  • There shall be no Negative marking.
  • Students shall be given 60 minutes to complete the test.
  • Percentile Ranks shall be given to all students.
  • Toppers shall be decided from the top percentile ranks on the basis of raw scores and time taken by the student to complete the exam.

Indian Language Chart

Language / Grade Class 6 Class 7 Class 8 Class 9 Class 10

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Get ready for Shine National Olympiad with Practice tests and Progress reports.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Reasoning Olympiads are a type of aptitude test that assesses "mental capacity" as well as "non-verbal skills." Shine Reasoning Aptitude Olympiad covers a wide range of topics and is designed to push your intellect. Students must analyze and manipulate shapes, numbers, and patterns in order to answer the questions.

Reasoning Olympiads such as Shine Reasoning Aptitude Olympiad helps students to improve their analytical skills. A good Olympiad preparation will certainly help them improve their analytical, reasoning, and critical thinking skills, which are some of the most valuable attributes for solving practical problems, or for future competitive exams.

The Reasoning Olympiad questions generally require the students to interpret and manipulate shapes, numbers and patterns. Students can check the entire syllabus at Shine Olympiad's website.