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SSO - Shine Science Olympiad Exam - 2024-2025

SSO - Shine Science Olympiad

Shine Senior Science Olympiad is designed by Graposs Connect for Shine Olympiad to promote scientific awareness and temperament among students and encourage them to embrace the scientific way of life.

Shine Senior Science Olympiad are focused on preparing senior students for a career in scientific fields while strengthening foundational understanding.

Available for classes 6th to 10th.
Available in Indian Languages: Click Here

Shine Olympiad Registration 2024-25

Get ready for Shine National Olympiad with Practice tests and Progress reports.

Syllabus & Marking scheme



Food, Health and Hygiene: Types of food, types of nutrients, testing the presence of nutrients

Fiber to Fabric: Types of fibers, natural and synthetic fibers, basic process of formation of cloths

Grouping of Materials: Types of materials of daily uses, properties of materials

Separation of Substances: Separating materials on the basis of physical and chemical properties

Changes around Us: Physical changes, chemical changes, basic chemical reaction

Knowing Plants: Plant types, classification of plants, parts of plants

Body movements: Skeletal System, Types of muscles, Types of Joints, Connecting Tissues

Motion and Measurement of Distances: Defining motion, measuring distance and time, measuring speed

Light: Shadow formation, reflection of light, reflection by plain mirror, image formation by plane mirror

Electricity and Circuits: Electric charge, Transfer of electric charge, Flow of charge, current electricity, electric circuits, electric cell and basic electrical devices

Fun with Magnets: Basic of magnets, poles of magnets, types of magnets

Water: Water composition, water reactions

Air around us: Composition of air, different uses of airs, their percentage in atmosphere, pollution

Garbage in Garbage out: Types of garbage, organic waste, vermicomposting, disposal of waste

General and Applied Science: Application of science, science and technology,

Logical Thinking: Verbal Thinking, Non Verbal Thinking

Marking scheme
Section Number of Questions
Science 35
Logical Thinking 10
Achiever’s Section 5
  • The Olympiad exam will have a total of 50 questions as per the table above.
  • 1 Mark shall be given for every correct answer.
  • There shall be no Negative marking.
  • Students shall be given 60 minutes to complete the test.
  • Percentile Ranks shall be given to all students.
  • Toppers shall be decided from the top percentile ranks on the basis of raw scores and time taken by the student to complete the exam.

Sample Questions

Q.1 The eggs of fish are called:
  • a. larva
  • b. pupa
  • c. spawn
  • d. cocoon
Q.2 Which of the following is a rich stored source of protein?
  • a. Wheat
  • b. Pulses
  • c. Meat
  • d. Both (b) and (c)
Q.3 Which country is credited with the discovery of silk?
  • a. England
  • b. USA
  • c. India
  • d. China
Q.4 Cotton is a preferred fabric for summers. This is so because:
  • a. it absorbs sweat.
  • b. it does not stick to the skin.
  • c. it allows free circulation of air and for heat to escape easily.
  • d. all of these.
Q.6 A runner participating in a race takes some glucose just before the race begins. This means that glucose
  • a. makes running easier
  • b. builds muscles instantly
  • c. gives energy instantly
  • d. stops sweating of the body
Q.6 The part of the leaf by which it is attached to the stem is called
  • a. lamina
  • b. midrib
  • c. mid vein
  • d. petiole



Nutrition in Plants: Process of nutrition, different types of plant nutrients

Natural Resources and their Conservation: Natural resources, conservation efforts

Nutrition in Animals: Process of nutrition, different types of nutrients, process of nutrition among different organisms

Fiber to Fabric: Process of making fiber to fabric, different methods involved, types of fiber and their application

Heat: Heat, concept of temperature, thermometer, types of thermometer, thermal expansion, modes of heat transfer, thermal conductivity and insulators

Acids, Bases and Salts: Basic concepts of acid, base and salt, naturally occurring acids, bases, and salt, basic idea of acid, base indicators and pH scale

Physical and Chemical changes: Physical changes, chemical changes, examples of both physical and chemical changes, chemical reactions

Changes in Weather and Climate: Difference in weather, climate and season

Soil: Soil Horizon, Soil types, Vegetation at different sites

Respiration in Organisms: Respiration process,

Circulation and Excretion: Reproduction in Plants; Motion and Time; Electric Current and its effect; Light; Logical Thinking: Verbal Thinking, Non Verbal Thinking;

Marking scheme
Section Number of Questions
Science 35
Logical Thinking 10
Achiever’s Section 5
  • The Olympiad exam will have a total of 50 questions as per the table above.
  • 1 Mark shall be given for every correct answer.
  • There shall be no Negative marking.
  • Students shall be given 60 minutes to complete the test.
  • Percentile Ranks shall be given to all students.
  • Toppers shall be decided from the top percentile ranks on the basis of raw scores and time taken by the student to complete the exam.

Sample Questions

Q.1 Light and Sound are:
  • a. forms of work.
  • b. forms of energy.
  • c. forms of renewable energy
  • d. forms of levers.
Q.2 Which of the following food components are needed in small quantities?
  • a. Proteins
  • b. Vitamins
  • c. Fats
  • d. Carbohydrates
Q.3 Plants are able to make their food using raw materials available in the surroundings. This makes plants
  • a. autotrophic
  • b. heterotrophic
  • c. phototrophic
  • d. geotrophic
Q.4 Roots absorb water and minerals from the soil for the plants. These must reach the leaves for photosynthesis. This function is performed by:
  • a. pipes
  • b. phloem
  • c. bark
  • d. xylem
Q.5 A runner participating in a race takes some glucose just before the race begins. This means that glucose:
  • a. makes running easier
  • b. builds muscles instantly
  • c. gives energy instantly
  • d. stops sweating of the body
Q.6 The average speed of a vehicle can be determined by:
  • a. finding the total distance covered
  • b. finding the total time covered.
  • c. the speedometer of the vehicle
  • d. all of these



Crop Production And Management: Types of Crops, processes involved in agriculture, Storage of crops and animal husbandry

Conservation of Plants and Animals:

Microorganisms: Friend And Foe: microorganisms and their types, useful microorganisms, harmful microorganisms

Cell-Structure and Functions: Cell discovery, shape and size of cell, cell organelles and their functions, structure

Synthetic Fibers and Plastics: Types of Synthetic fibers, Use of fibers, types of plastics and their applications

Reproduction in Animals: What is reproduction, Types of Reproduction, Types of asexual reproduction, reproductive system in human beings and reproductive health?

Reaching The Age of Adolescence: Changes in body in adolescence, hormones, endocrine glands

Materials: Metals and Non-Metals: Physical properties of metals and non metals, chemical properties of metals and non-metals

Coal and Petroleum: Natural resources, types of resources, types of coal, refining of petroleum and products obtained

Force and Pressure: Force, types of Force, Laws of motion, Pressure, application of pressure

Sound: Sound as wave, basic definition of wave, loudness and pitch of sound, Human ear

Chemical Effect of Electric Current: Electric current, Effects of current, Mangetic and chemical effect of current

Some Natural Phenomena: Earthquake, Volcano, Wind

Light: Reflection of Light, refraction of Light, Mirror and Lens, Application of spherical mirrors

Stars and the Solar Systems: Our Universe, Galaxy, Solar System, Planets, Satellites, Stars

Pollution of Air and Water: Definition of pollution, different causes of pollution, pollutants

Logical Thinking: Verbal Thinking, Non Verbal Thinking

Marking scheme
Section Number of Questions
Science 35
Logical Thinking 10
Achiever’s Section 5
  • The Olympiad exam will have a total of 50 questions as per the table above.
  • 1 Mark shall be given for every correct answer.
  • There shall be no Negative marking.
  • Students shall be given 60 minutes to complete the test.
  • Percentile Ranks shall be given to all students.
  • Toppers shall be decided from the top percentile ranks on the basis of raw scores and time taken by the student to complete the exam.

Sample Questions

Q.1 Bioinsecticides includes:
  • a. pathogens
  • b. parasites
  • c. predators
  • d. All of these
Q.2 BCG vaccine provides protection from:
  • a. emphysema
  • b. pneumonia
  • c. polio
  • d. tuberculosis
Q.3 The extra nuclear DNA in a bacterial cell con­tains genes for:
  • a. sexuality
  • b. drug resistance
  • c. sexuality and drug resistance
  • d. mortality
Q.4 Bacterial ribosomes are found:
  • a. in the cytoplasm
  • b. on nuclear memberane
  • c. on the cell wall
  • d. on endoplasmic reticulum
Q.5 DNA does not have:
  • a. adenine
  • b. uracil
  • c. guanine
  • d. thymine
Q.6 The pesticide used in foundation of buildings for preventing termite attack is:
  • a. DDT
  • b. BHC
  • c. aldrin
  • d. endosulphan



Matter In Our Surrounding: Defining Matter, Physical state of matter, change in the physical state of matter, Latent Heat, Evaporation

Is Matter Around Us Pure: Different types of matter based on purity, methods of separation of substance, Types of mixtures, Methods of separation of substances

Atoms And Molecules: Defining atom, subatomic particles,

Structure of the Atom: Thomson model, Rutherford Model, Bohr Atomic model, Discovery of subatomic particles

The Fundamental Unit of Life: Cell as a basic unit of life; prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, multicellular organisms; cell membrane and cell wall, cell organelles and cell inclusions; chloroplast, mitochondria, vacuoles, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus; nucleus, chromosomes - basic structure, number

Tissues: Structure and functions of animal and plant tissues, types of animal tissues (epithermal tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, nervous tissues), types of plant tissues (meristem tic tissue, permanent tissues)

Diversity in Living Organisms: The living world, Kingdom classification

Motion: Distance and displacement, velocity; uniform and non-uniform motion along a straight line; acceleration, distance-time and velocity-time graphs for uniform motion and uniformly accelerated motion, elementary idea of uniform circular motion.

Force And Laws of Motion: Force and Motion, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Action and reaction forces, Inertia of a body, Inertia and mass, Momentum, Force and Acceleration.

Gravitation: Gravitation; Universal Law of Gravitation, Force of gravitation of the earth (gravity), Acceleration due to Gravity; Mass and Weight; Free fall, Thrust and pressure. Archimedes' principle, Buoyancy.

Work and Energy: Work done by a force, energy, power; kinetic and potential energy; law of conservation of energy (excluding commercial unit of Energy).

Sound: Nature of sound and its propagation in various media, speed of sound, range of hearing in humans; ultrasound; reflection of sound; echo.

Why do we Fall Ill: Health, Disease and its Types, Causes of disease, Antibiotics, Principle of Treatment, Principles of Prevention

Improvement in food Resources: Plant and animal breeding and selection for quality improvement and management; use of fertilizers and manures; Protection from pests and diseases

Logical Thinking: Verbal Thinking, Non Verbal Thinking;

Marking scheme
Section Number of Questions
Science 35
Logical Thinking 10
Achiever’s Section 5
  • The Olympiad exam will have a total of 50 questions as per the table above.
  • 1 Mark shall be given for every correct answer.
  • There shall be no Negative marking.
  • Students shall be given 60 minutes to complete the test.
  • Percentile Ranks shall be given to all students.
  • Toppers shall be decided from the top percentile ranks on the basis of raw scores and time taken by the student to complete the exam.

Sample Questions

Q.1- Which of the following is the symbol of the metal that occurs in liquid form at ordinary temperature?
  • a. Na
  • b. Sn
  • c. Pb
  • d. Hg
Q.2- On heating, solid is directly converted into gaseous state. This process is called:
  • a. sublimation
  • b. evaporation
  • c. diffusion
  • d. condensation
Q.3- The various physical properties of a substance may include:
  • a. colour, odour and taste only
  • b. hardness, solubility and density only
  • c. melting point and boiling point only
  • d. all of these
Q.4- Which of the following is least compressible?
  • a. gas
  • b. liquid
  • c. solid
  • d. none of these
Q.5- Name the tissues that are involved in the formation of membranes.
  • a. Epithelial tissue
  • b. Nervous tissue
  • c. Muscular tissue
  • d. Connective tissue
Q.6- Which of the following tissues helps in the movement of body structure?
  • a. Nervous tissue
  • b. Muscular tissue
  • c. Epithelial tissue
  • d. Connective tissue



Chemical Reactions and Equations: Chemical reactions, chemical equations, types of reactions, oxidation reactions

Acids, Bases and Salts: Acid, Bases, Salt, Reactions of acids and bases, pH Scale

Metals and Non-Metals: Physical properties of metals and non metals, reaction of metals, ionic bond, metallurgy

Carbon and its Compounds: Covalent bonding in carbon compounds. Versatile nature of carbon. Homologous series, reactions of carbon compounds, important carbon compounds

Periodic Classification of Elements: Need for classification, early attempts at classification of elements (Dobereiner’s Triads, Newland’s Law of Octaves, Mendeleev’s Periodic Table), Modern periodic table, gradation in properties, valency, atomic number, metallic and non-metallic properties.

Life Processes: Nutrition, Respiration, and Excretion in living beings of plants and animals, digestive system, Respiratory system, excretory system, Circulatory system of human being

Control and Coordination: Plant and animal hormones, nervous system in human beings

How do organisms reproduce: Reproduction: Reproduction in plants and animals (asexual and sexual reproduction) reproductive health-need, methods of family planning.,Safe sex vs HIV/AIDS, Childbearing, Women’s health

Heredity and Evolution: Heredity; Mendel’s contribution- Laws for inheritance of traits: Sex determination: brief introduction

Light: Reflection and Refraction, image formation of lens and mirrors, lens and mirror formula, power of lens, optical devices

Human Eye and Colorful World: Human eye, prism, atmospheric refraction, dispersion of light

Electricity: Ohm’s law; Resistance, Resistivity, Factors on which the resistance of a conductor depends. Series combination of resistors, parallel combination of resistors and its applications in daily life. Heating effect of electric current and its applications in daily life. Electric power, Interrelation between P, V, I and R.

Sources of Energy: Types of sources of energy, renewable and non-renewable sources of energy

Our Environment and Its Management: Eco-system, Environmental problems, Ozone depletion, waste production and their solutions. Biodegradable and non-biodegradable substances, Conservation and judicious use of natural resources. Forest and wild life; Coal and Petroleum conservation.

Logical Thinking

Marking scheme
Section Number of Questions
Science 35
Logical Thinking 10
Achiever’s Section 5
  • The Olympiad exam will have a total of 50 questions as per the table above.
  • 1 Mark shall be given for every correct answer.
  • There shall be no Negative marking.
  • Students shall be given 60 minutes to complete the test.
  • Percentile Ranks shall be given to all students.
  • Toppers shall be decided from the top percentile ranks on the basis of raw scores and time taken by the student to complete the exam.

Sample Questions

Q.1- Which of the following ions is furnished by acids in aqueous solution?
  • a. OH- ions
  • b. H+ ions
  • c. H3O+ ions
  • d. None of these
Q.2- Which of the following is a strong acid?
  • a. nitric acid
  • b. citrus acid
  • c. formic acid
  • d. lactic acid
Q.3- Li shows resemblance in properties with Na and K. This classification is found true according to which law?
  • a. Lavoisier
  • b. Dobereiner
  • c. Newland
  • d. Mendeleev
Q.4- Some plants respond to stimuli slowly by growing in a particular direction because:
  • a. information is transferred from one cell to another
  • b. plant growth is directional
  • c. conduction of information occur between plant and stimuli
  • d. None of the above
Q.5- Conductors and insulators can be differentiated on the basis of:
  • a. bounded positive charge present in outermost shell
  • b. free positive charge present in outermost shell
  • c. free negative charge present in outermost shell
  • d. bounded negative charge present in outermost shell
Q.6- Mendeleev’s periodic table is upset by the fact that:
  • a. many elements have several isotopes.
  • b. noble gases do not form compounds.
  • c. some groups stand divided into two subgroups A and B.
  • d. atomic weights of elements are not always whole numbers.

Indian Language Chart

Language / Grade Class 6
Class 7
Class 8
Class 9
Class 10

Register for Any Subject of Your Choice

Get ready for Shine National Olympiad with Practice tests and Progress reports.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

School students of classes 11th and 12th can register for Senior Science Olympiad in any or all of three subjects- Physics, Chemistry and Biology. There is no additional eligibility required.

The Shine Senior Science Olympiad(SSSO) helps students to judge their academic progress by giving them the chance of competing with students from all over the country. It can also prepare students well for other competitive exams such as JEE and NEET. SSSO is conducted in various science domains such as Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Shine Senior Science Olympiad's syllabus is grade agnostic for classes 11 and 12. Students can review the model questions provided along with the syllabus for greater clarity.