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SJTO -  Shine Junior Thunberg Olympiad Exam - 2024-2025

SJTO -  Shine Junior Thunberg Olympiad

Greta Thunberg: She is a Swedish Environmental Activist who has challenged the top world leaders to take immediate action for climate change.

She has encouraged and inspired various protests in different communities. She has both been criticized and appreciated all over the world for her stance on climate change at such a young age of 15, and her influence is often called the 'Greta Effect'.

Shine Junior Thunberg Olympiad is designed to feed the curious young minds about their surroundings and the environment. SJTO invariably aims at making Environmental Science, combined with life skills, an interesting and interactive subject. The students will be able to put their skills, memory, knowledge and talent to test as well as be aware and updated of their immediate environment and learn more about the world as they grow up into more concerned and active youths.

Available for classes 1st and 2nd.
Available in Indian Languages: Click Here

Shine Olympiad Registration 2024-25

Get ready for Shine National Olympiad with Practice tests and Progress reports.

Syllabus & Marking scheme

Environmental Studies


Plants, Animals, Human Beings and Their Needs, Safety Rules and Good Habits, Air and Water Our Environment, Living and Non-Living Things Around Us, Food we Eat, Clothes we Wear: My, Family and Relatives, Logical Thinking.

Marking scheme
Section Number of Questions
Environmental studies 15
Logical Thinking 5
Achiever's Section 5
  • The Olympiad exam will have a total of 25 questions as per the table above.
  • 1 Mark shall be given for every correct answer.
  • There shall be no Negative marking.
  • Students shall be given 60 minutes to complete the test.
  • Percentile Ranks shall be given to all students.
  • Toppers shall be decided from the top percentile ranks on the basis of raw scores and time taken by the student to complete the exam.

Sample Questions

Q.1 ___ part of the plant is present in the soil.
  • a. Shoot
  • b. Root
  • c. Fruits
  • d. Leaves
Q.2 When you want to grow a plant from a seed, you will give it ?
  • a. water
  • b. air
  • c. sunlight
  • d. all of these
Q.3 Our parents tell us to eat every day so that the doctor is it kept away.
  • a. Mango
  • b. Banana
  • c. Apple
  • d. Tomato
Q.4 When you travel by school bus, you should ?
  • a. sit quietly
  • b. take your arm or head out of the window
  • c. play
  • d. throw things
Q.5 To keep good health we must ________ every day.
  • a. brush or teeth
  • b. eat fruits and vegetables
  • c. drink milk
  • d. all of these
Q.6 _____ should be used for walking.
  • a. Road
  • b. Footpath
  • c. All of these
  • d. None of these

Environmental Studies


Characteristic Features of Plants, Characteristic Features of Animals, Human Body, Good, Habits and Safety Rules, Air, Water and Weather, Our environment, Characteristic Features of, Living and Non-Living Things, Food we Eat, Clothes and Shelter, Family, Festivals and, Occupation, Communication and Transport, Earth and Universe, Logical Thinking

Marking scheme
Section Number of Questions
Environmental studies 15
Logical Thinking 5
Achievers Section 5
  • The Olympiad exam will have a total of 25 questions as per the table above.
  • 1 Mark shall be given for every correct answer.
  • There shall be no Negative marking.
  • Students shall be given 60 minutes to complete the test.
  • Percentile Ranks shall be given to all students.
  • Toppers shall be decided from the top percentile ranks on the basis of raw scores and time taken by the student to complete the exam.

Sample Questions

Q.1 ______ give out oxygen. They make the air fresh and pure.
  • a. Roots
  • b. Stem
  • c. Plants
  • d. Seeds
Q.2 Palm tree does not have
  • a. flowers
  • b. leaves
  • c. branches
  • d. seeds
Q.3 ___ is an outer covering of a tree.
  • a. Stem
  • b. Bark
  • c. Root
  • d. None of these
Q.4 A vegetarian person can have
  • a. spinach (palak)
  • b. honey
  • c. milk
  • d. all of these
Q.5 11 bicycles will have ___________ wheels altogether.
  • a. 20
  • b. 22
  • c. 13
  • d. 9
Q.6 In the following question choose the one which is different from the others.
  • a. Walk
  • b. Run
  • c. Jog
  • d. Sit

Indian Language Chart

Language / Grade Class 1 Class 2

Register for Any Subject of Your Choice

Get ready for Shine National Olympiad with Practice tests and Progress reports.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

EVS Olympiad is designed to impart environmental fervor in young minds and is in accordance with the specific grade syllabus and surrounding environmental concerns. It is not hard if students are aware and up to date with the basic environmental news.

The Shine Junior Thunberg Olympiad is a way for training young minds to be more aware humans of tomorrow. It is designed to test students' knowledge of basic environmental settings and concerns to encourage them to be budding environmentalists of tomorrow.

To participate in the Shine Junior Thunberg Olympiad, students of class 1st and 2nd can register with their school on the official website of Shine Olympiads, i.e, shineolympiad.com.