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SJNO - Shine Junior Newton Olympiad Exam - 2024-2025

SJNO - Shine Junior Newton Olympiad

Shine Junior Newton Olympiad is designed by Graposs Connect for Shine Olympiad to promote scientific awareness and temperament among students and encourage them to embrace the scientific way of life.

Science Junior Newton Olympiad are focused on preparing students for a career in scientific fields while strengthening foundational understanding.

Available for classes 3rd to 5th.
Available in Indian Languages: Click Here

Shine Olympiad Registration 2024-25

Get ready for Shine National Olympiad with Practice tests and Progress reports.

Syllabus & Marking scheme



Living and non living things: living things, nonliving things, difference between living and nonliving things

Plants: parts of plants, nutrition in plants, types of plants, respiration in plants

Animals: parts of animals, nutrition in animals, types of animals, respiration in animals

Human body: Human body parts, nutrition, respiration, excretion, skeletal system

Safety and first aid: Being safe while daily activity, first aid, common diseases, diseaster

Air, water and weather: Air, water, different weather, season, weather and climate

The earth: Different types of habitat on earth, composition of land and water on earth

The Universe: Solar System, Elements of Universe

Matter and materials: basic definition of matter, basic of states of matter, identification of things as matter

Light: Definition of Light, Colors of light, Shadow formation

Sound: Definition of sound, identification of different types of sound

Force: Basic definition and application

Our Environment: Definition, components and classification of elements of environment

Logical Thinking:

Marking scheme
Section Number of Questions
Science 20
Logical Thinking 10
Achiever’s Section 5
  • The Olympiad exam will have a total of 35 questions as per the table above.
  • 1 Mark shall be given for every correct answer.
  • There shall be no Negative marking.
  • Students shall be given 60 minutes to complete the test.
  • Percentile Ranks shall be given to all students.
  • Toppers shall be decided from the top percentile ranks on the basis of raw scores and time taken by the student to complete the exam.

Sample Questions

Q.1 Which one of the following processes is responsible for the changing of water into water vapour?
  • a. Condensation
  • b. Freezing
  • c. Evaporation
  • d. All of these
Q.2 Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass. Which one of the following is correct about air?
  • a. Air is not a matter.
  • b. Air is a matter.
  • c. Air can partially be a matter.
  • d. All of these
Q.3 Ice changes into water and water changes into water vapour. What do you conclude from this statement?
  • a. Water is a solid.
  • b. Water is a liquid.
  • c. Water is a gas.
  • d. Water is found in all the three states of matter.
Q.4 We eat the root of some plants that store food in them. Which one of the following plant’s roots do we eat?
  • a. Tomato
  • b. Sugarcane
  • c. Turnip
  • d. Brinjal
Q.5 What impact does the exhaled air make on lungs?
  • a. Makes the lung expand.
  • b. Makes the lung contract.
  • c. Does not make any impact.
  • d. All of these
Q.6 Green plants make their own food. They are called?
  • a. Heterotrophs
  • b. Autotrophs
  • c. Saprophytes
  • d. All of these



Adaptations In Plants: changes in plants structure at different places, adaptation according to the habitat, different types of adaptation with plants.

Adaptation In Animals: changes in animals structure at different places, adaptation according to the habitat, different types of adaptation with animals.

Reproduction in Animals: Different types of reproduction, reproduction of different organisms and human beings

Food: Digestion, Teeth

Microbes: Types, useful microbes, diseases causing microbes

Our Clothes: Clothes we were, different types of cloths in different weather, fabrics used for clothing

Air, Water and Weather: Different gases of air, water pollution, weather types, effect of pollution on environment and weather

Our Universe: Elements of universe, stars, galaxies, solar system, planets of solar system, satellites

Matter: Definition of matter, types of matter, States of matter, Change in state of matter

Force and Motion: Basic idea of Motion, Force, Energy

Marking scheme
Section Number of Questions
Science 20
Logical Thinking 10
Achiever’s Section 5
  • The Olympiad exam will have a total of 35 questions as per the table above.
  • 1 Mark shall be given for every correct answer.
  • There shall be no Negative marking.
  • Students shall be given 60 minutes to complete the test.
  • Percentile Ranks shall be given to all students.
  • Toppers shall be decided from the top percentile ranks on the basis of raw scores and time taken by the student to complete the exam.

Sample Questions

Q.1 Which of the following is a characteristic of all living things?
  • a. Reproduce
  • b. Have a brain
  • c. Exchanges gases
  • d. Both (a) & (c)
Q.2 Which of the following would be classified as ‘living’?
  • a. Volcano
  • b. Cloud
  • c. Virus
  • d. Bacteria
Q.3 During photosynthesis, plants use______ gas and release _________ gas.
  • a. carbon dioxide, oxygen
  • b. oxygen, carbon dioxide
  • c. oxygen, nitrogen
  • d. nitrogen, oxygen
Q.4 Which of the following is ectoparasite?
  • a. Roundworm
  • b. Tapworm
  • c. Hookworm
  • d. Leech
Q.5 Which of the following food components are needed in small quantities?
  • a. Proteins
  • b. Vitamins
  • c. Fats
  • d. Carbohydrates
Q.6 How does digestion take place in the small intestine?
  • a. By crushing of food
  • b. By the release of juices
  • c. By cutting of food
  • d. By heating and boiling



The Plant Kingdom: Types of plants, habitat of plants, classification of plants, different parts of plants and their uses

The Animal Kingdom: Types of plants, habitat of plants, classification of plants, useful animals

Human Body System: Nutrition, Food, Excretion, transportation

Rocks and Soil: Different types of rocks, formation of rocks, soil, Soil formation, types of soil, soil profile, soil erosion

Air, water and Weather: Air, composition of air, uses of different gases of air, uses of water, water cycle, presence of water on earth, water pollution

Natural Resources: Definition and classification of natural resources, conservation of resources

Calamities: different types of calamities, protection from calamities

The Environment: Elements of environment, conservation and protection of environment

Earth and Universe: Earth as planet, Solar System, Elements of Universe

Light: luminous and non-luminous objects, Opaque transparent and translucent objects, basic optical instruments, basics of reflection of light

Sound: Types of sound, quality of sound, noise pollution

Matter: States of matter, properties of matter, conversion of state of matter, Evaporation

Force: Different types of force, muscular force, frictional force, gravity, non-contact forces

Work and Energy: Basic of work and energy

Marking scheme
Section Number of Questions
Logical Thinking 10
Science 35
Achiever’s Section 5
  • The Olympiad exam will have a total of 50 questions as per the table above.
  • 1 Mark shall be given for every correct answer.
  • There shall be no Negative marking.
  • Students shall be given 60 minutes to complete the test.
  • Percentile Ranks shall be given to all students.
  • Toppers shall be decided from the top percentile ranks on the basis of raw scores and time taken by the student to complete the exam.

Sample Questions

Q.1 Shelly wants to sprout some gram seeds. She should select:
  • a. whole gram seeds.
  • b. split gram seeds.
  • c. split and washed de-skinned gram seeds.
  • d. any of these
Q.2 People prefer to get their furniture made from this wood.
  • a. Neem
  • b. Banyan
  • c. Peepal
  • d. Teak
Q.3 A gardener wants to grow plants from seeds. He should ensure that
  • a. the seeds are of good quality
  • b. the seeds get enough water and warmth
  • c. the seeds get enough air, water and warmth
  • d. both ‘a’ and ‘c’
Q.4 A flower may have:
  • a. only female part.
  • b. only male part.
  • c. both male and female part.
  • d. any of these.
Q.5 Which one of these plants is a useful plant but does not provide food or medicine?
  • a. rubber
  • b. bamboo
  • c. palm
  • d. rose
Q.6 There are many challenges which animals face. Which one is not one of these challenges?
  • a. the struggle to survive
  • b. the continuity of species
  • c. to find food
  • d. none of these

Indian Language Chart

Language / Grade Class 3 Class 4 Class 5

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Get ready for Shine National Olympiad with Practice tests and Progress reports.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

The Shine Junior Science Olympiad competition is an objective-type test of 60 minutes duration, comprising 35 objective-type (Multiple Choice questions) for class 3 and class 4 and 50 objective-type (Multiple Choice questions) for class 5 to class 10.

SJSO exam contains all application-based questions. So, students will know basic concepts well, you would be able to apply logic to all the questions given and would find all the questions really easy and can easily score well.

The motive behind the SJSO Olympiad is to build aptitude in young learners and encourage Scientific temperament from an early age itself. To know more, click on the link below. Why opt for science Olympiad